About Family Tree

What do we do at Family Tree? We always spend some time getting to know one another with an icebreaker or a game. We look at a bit of the Bible and explore it together, sometimes doing things during it, sometimes watching things that accompany a short reading and some talking. We use some songs that help us learn more about belonging and believing in God. We pray for each other and for our world. We especially want to talk and pray about hard questions and ask God to show how real he is in all of our ups and downs. We'll try to explain how God promised not to leave us on our own because of his Holy Spirit but better still we'll ask God to show us how that can really make a difference in our time at home, or in school, or at work.

We share some simple food together at the end, at 4.30pm. We'll try to help one another in any way we can and do the same for those who live and work around us. So come along yourself or with others any Sunday for 3.30 - you will be made very welcome.